GHE programmes target the following segments of the community as primary beneficiary:
It is widely believed that one of the root causes of poverty in Africa is the low level of education. Even among those who are enrolled in school, many drop out due to lack of basic educational needs such as school uniform, stationary and the need to support their poor families. Furthermore, most children especially those who lost either or both of their parents, do not get the support they need on their studies. In fact, in most cases the carers are not educated themselves or are busy struggling to sustain their family.
With the objective of alleviating these problems and helping children go to school and become successful, Give Hope Ethiopia provides:
The health support includes providing regular health check on a quarterly basis by Ethiopian and foreign health professionals. The doctors also made prescriptions based on the diagnosis and some children have received medical treatment. Children will also receive medical treatment at different health service giving institutions for chronic and acute illness including private clinics and hospitals.
Give Hope Ethiopia in consideration of children who cannot learn properly unless they are provided with enough food, support carers of children or families by providing nutritional ration on a monthly basis. Additional nutritional support which includes meat, milk, fruits and vegetables is provided based on the special need of the children especially in the case of children recovering from chronic sickness such as tuberculosis and/or living with HIV/AIDS.
Give Hope Ethiopia Women Saving, Credit and Income Generation Project aims at working in organizing women self-help groups in its operational areas to encourage saving, facilitate credit as well as helping beneficiaries engage in both small scale and medium level income generating activities (IGAs) both at individual and group levels, respectively. The project aims at addressing specific economic and social problems such as:
With the collaboration with Woreda and Microfinance offices, GHE facilitate the training of women on benefits of saving and credit, different income generating options, formation of saving and credit schemes, skills of leadership, basic accounting, project appraisal and follow up, loan disbursement and collection skills, etc for leaders of each group.
GHE facilitates opportunity for experience sharing visits with other successful self-help groups, which creates motivation among women.
GHE provides match-funding for each woman according to the amount of money she manages to save on a weekly basis. It coordinates with banks to facilitate opening of saving account and provide legal coverage. This empowers the women as well as the groups to take full ownership of the schemes.
Life-skills Training
GHE provides life-skills training to high-school and university girl students on a range of topics including
Vocational Skills Training
After completion of 10th grade, students who are not able to or interested in pursing the academic stream are given the opportunity to participate in vocational skills training as per their interest. Areas include:
GHE has finalized preparation to start up HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support project in Legetafo Legedadi, Oromia region. The prevention works target daily labourers at construction sites, factory workers and high-school students. The care and support is for people living with HIV/AIDS and their children.